How to Evaluate a Website

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The best way to evaluate a website is to observe its performance in audience and SEO. Ideally, a website can perform well on both criteria.

Evaluate a Site: Step by Step

In this post, we propose a set of tools and a way to evaluate a site that is far from the only one – or even the best. It’s simply a practical way; it works.

  • Step 1: Define the Keyword

Businesses want to stay on the first page of Google for a specific term. There are several interesting approaches, such as the SEO for Growth, which recommends considering three aspects: fitness for the activity, focus on the correct segment or niche and low competitiveness.

The concept is simple: it is more advantageous to focus on a very specific segment – or a niche – of the who struggle to become popular in the mass.              

  • Step 2: Check SEO Performance

Only after defining the keyword, you can evaluate a site in the SEO field. There is a simple way to know which companies are best ranked in that particular term. Just search on Google itself.

However, there is a caveat: there are differences of results depending on the region, appropriate use of accent, type of device used (cellular, desktop, tablet).

  • Step 3: Check the Audience

There are two good audience meters for the sites: Similar Web and Alexa, which are able to estimate the audience of each site. It will take just a click to open a window and see the estimated results for that site, you can click here.

  • Step 4: Do the SEO and Audience Crossing

Once you’ve collected the site’s position on organic searches on Google (SEO) for a particular keyword and verified the site’s audience, you can create an array that crosses that data. This can be done in Excel, PowerPoint, Image Editor or any other program.

In the matrix model proposed here, the vertical axis shows the position in Google, considering that the top five places are the best and from the 11th onwards is bad. And the horizontal axis is the audience, considering that 1 million visits per month are a desirable goal.

  • Step 5: Action

Matrices and graphs are only useful if they lead to action. In this case, the objective of both companies is the same: reach the upper and right quadrant, where both SEO and audience are high.

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