Some new features in Best Computational Fluid Dynamics CFD Software for Architecture

In the field of architecture nowadays, a lot of help is taken from software that can simulate certain conditions and test out the strength of the design. One of such software are CFD or Computational Fluid Dynamics software like scFLOW. These can be used for thermofluid analysis and other important things in architecture. They play a vital role in finalizing the designs and ensuring its strength and durability in certain rough conditions.

Thermo-Fluid Analysis | scSTREAM

The following are some of the features or processes that this software or similar software like scSTREAM can do.

Modify data from CAD

One of the best things about this software is that as per your requirement you will be allowed to modify the data imported from CAD. This will allow you to adapt your design for better strength without having to do the whole thing over again. This not only saves your resources and time but also makes the whole process a lot more efficient.

Interaction with fluid structure

By using this software, you will be able to interact with the structure of the fluids in your simulation. This will allow you to treat both rigid as well as elastic bodies with ease. You can use all these to analyze the deformation that an object goes through fluid force and the change in fluid. This is very important for checking the integrity of the design and how it will last while interacting with such forces.

scFLOW | SC/Tetra

Analyze evaporation and condensation

Fluids can condensate, precipitate and evaporate and the changing state of it can have an impact on your work. This is why analyzing how it is changing states is very important. You can get to know about the heat conduction in the materials from latent heat and you will also be able to a lot of other complex analysis and calculations with ease. You will be able to create an internal heat flow simulation to identify what changes your structure needs.

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