What are the Different Types of Network Security

The firewall was inevitable when the first administrators of the Internet system realized that their networks were frequently attacked. The goal was a process that looks at network traffic for clear attack signs. At first, it was less clear how exactly that would work. In general, therefore, it is also not possible to look at network traffic and recognize its intention, https://www.ecs-net.com/

in itself, protects the internal and external security network.

When you talk about Network Security, you can outline the five types of firewalls that have played an important role in the development of the category firewall:

  • Packet Filtering Firewalls

This first and original type of firewall works on nodes and devices like routers and switches. However, this firewall does not forward packets but compares each packet received to a set of specified criteria like permitted IP addresses, packet type or port number. In general, packets identified as problematic do not forward the firewall, i.e., they do not enter the internal network.

  • Connection Gateways (Circuit Level Gateways)

Connection gateways relatively quickly identify malicious content. They monitor the network-wide TCP data and determine whether the session started is legitimate and trust the remote system. This allows blocking or unlocking of any IP addresses and ports on a firewall. However, the contents of the package itself cannot be controlled by Circuit Level Gateways.

  • Stateful Inspection Firewalls

Stateful Inspection Firewalls not only examine each packet but also keep track of whether it is part of an authorized TCP session or not.

This increases security over the filtering of packets and connection gateways but also increases network performance. This type of firewall monitors every Internet session from beginning to end and enforces rules based on the addresses of protocol, port, source, and destination. The firewall can quickly verify that the authorized traffic criteria match the new incoming packets. Packages not included in an authorized session will be rejected.

  • Gateways of Application Level

They control file execution or special application data processing. Although filtering gateways at the application layer provides high data security, network performance may be significantly affected.

A typical next-generation firewall NGFW combines packet inspection with state-of-the-art inspection and integrated deep packet inspection DPI. This means not only examining the protocol used and the port used but also examining the data stream content, detecting unusual behaviors or filtering out infected files. NGFWs also generally recognize network user activities and decide what they are allowed to do and what they can’t do based on policies.

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