4 Ways to Boost Staff Morale

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As a company leader, you should be able to recognise when staff morale isn’t where it ought to be. A decrease in productivity, poor performance and negative attitudes are just some indications that your personnel could do with a much-needed boost. To bring positivity back into your workplace and boost staff morale, here are four things that might help.

  1. Supply company branded uniforms

Providing branded uniforms is a simple yet highly effective way to improve staff morale. Company clothing can help workers to feel as though they are part of a team and it can create a sense of equality throughout the workplace. Work wearables can also instil a feeling of pride and help to boost productivity and job performance. Of course, for the best results you’ll need to ensure that the uniforms you provide for your personnel are comfortable and practical, so it’s important to make sure they’re made from high-quality materials.

  1. Provide recognition when it’s deserved

Whenever a member of your team does something great, it’s vital that you acknowledge their good work. This will not only boost their mood, but it is likely to rub off on the rest of your staff members too. Whether you simply verbalise your appreciation of their efforts or you decide to reward them in some way – for example by recognising them with a prize or award – providing recognition when it’s deserved can act as an instant mood lifter in the workplace. It may also inspire others to work harder in the hope of receiving similar praise.

  1. Organise unusual team-building exercises

Arranging team-building days is a great way to give your staff morale a boost. However, if you really want to lift their spirits, you will need to think outside the box. While sitting in a circle and discussing each other’s interests might work for some companies, you could take this one step further and organise some fun and unusual activities so that your staff can really get to know each other. For example, you could take your team-building into the great outdoors and get stuck into activities like kayaking or orienteering. Taking your employees out of their familiar working environments and getting them to try new and fun tasks could be the mood enhancer you’ve been looking for.

  1. Balance work and play

While it’s important that your staff work hard, allowing them some time to relax and unwind during office hours isn’t always a bad thing. It’s a fine balance and requires some project management skills, but if you feel the atmosphere is too intense in your workplace, you could let your team blow off some steam. Something as simple as putting a football table in the breakroom for use at lunch time could be just what your personnel need to get them in the right frame of mind to carry on with their tasks. Regardless of how you decide to tackle your workplace morale woes, if you have your employees’ best interests at heart, you should be successful in lifting their spirits.

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