How To Deal With The Crisis In Social Media

There are a few steps that can be taken when a crisis breaks out on a social network.

Monitor The Network

There are systems on the market capable of monitoring the network, scouring the main news sites, and other vital sources of information about your business. A specialized communication agency can also be used for this function.

Assemble A Crisis Response Team

The team must have people capable of responding and acting in the crisis. They need the knowledge and competent authority to respond quickly and consistently to questions.

Fight The Crisis On The Same Social Media Where It Appeared

The first answer must be on the social network where the problem started. From there, the entrepreneur will be able to act in other networks and channels, if necessary.

Recognize The Error And Apologize

The company must always be transparent. Most of the time, when a company quickly recognizes that it has made a mistake, customers and society respond positively.

Be Quick

Speed ​​is critical in social media. Saying that “you recognize the error and that urgent measures are being taken” is a way to position yourself in front of the market and customers quickly.

Set The Main Message

Once the company understands the situation, it should define two or three key messages. They must be the anchor for all external communication.

Depending on the size of the crisis, the company may receive complaints through other means such as customer service, email, etc. Aligning with all channels what the key messages and responses will be will help maintain consistency in communication.

Take The Conversation Offline If Necessary.

Often the conversation about a crisis leads to infinity. Angry people tend to be emotional and love to provoke endless conversation.

Know how to identify the right time to offer an email address or a telephone number to a particular complainant when advertising with google (ลง โฆษณา google which is the term in Thai). The important thing is to identify when the conversation is getting out of hand; at these times, it is best to try a private conversation.

Keep Your Company’s Employees Informed.

As soon as the first sign of crisis appears, try to inform your employees of what is happening and your plans. In the super-connected world, we live in, your employees will be powerful spokespersons for the company. Bring employees to your side instead of isolating them.

If these points are dealt with in a structured way, even a severe crisis can be dealt with better. There is nothing better than the sincerity of a brand in its relationships with its consumers. Taking the problem and dealing with it is the key to recovering from an adverse situation. Trying to hide the case with the current requirement for transparency is a big mistake that should be avoided.

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