Power Your Home with These Renewable Energy Sources

Solar panels on roof of new house

Bills, bills, bills. It’s every homeowners’ responsibility if they want to live comfortably. Good thing, there are ways to control them so they won’t blow your budget. Lower your monthly electricity costs with these alternative energy sources:

6 Types of Alternative Energy Sources for Your Home

Solar Panels

One of the best and most popular ways of producing renewable energy at home is the use of solar panels. These panels are placed on roofs or yards to harvest the sun’s energy to convert to electricity. 

You can get solar panels for your home by owning it outright or via solar leasing. Most companies that offer free solar leasing are for real when they say that the systems are free and so are the panels and installation. You can talk to any company that’s into solar financing in Utah, Nebraska, or anywhere in the U.S. for more information. 

Wind Turbine

While most wind turbines are found either floating offshore or on large areas of open lands, if you have enough real estate space, you can build and install a wind turbine to help supply power to your home. 

While it may be an unpopular choice of alternative power in a residential area due to its size and the noise it makes, a wind turbine can easily generate enough power to provide for most of your electricity needs. 

Solar Oven

We understand that investing in solar panels or wind turbines are expensive. Perhaps you’re not ready for them. Well, one way you can lower your electricity bills is by using solar ovens. 

A solar oven is a small box that traps sunlight to warm your food. You can either buy it or build it from scratch using aluminum foil, insulation, and cardboard. Using a solar oven instead of your electric oven can help lower your power consumption significantly per month. 

Hydro Power

Understandably, not everyone can make use of this alternative energy source, unless you have a stream, creek, or river in your backyard. However, if you have a source of flowing water in your property, you can direct the flow of the stream or river through a hydroelectric generator to produce electricity for your home. 

Solar Water Heating

One good alternative to gas and electricity heating your water is solar-powered water heaters. It doesn’t take too many solar water panels to do this plus it’s easier to install compared to solar panels. These water heaters use the sun’s power to heat a water reserve which your radiators, faucets, and showerheads can tap into for warm water. 

Solar Air Conditioning

While it’s a bit ironic that you’re using the sun’s heat to cool your home, that’s the exact principle that this system is working with. 

Similar to a solar-powered water heater, this system harvests as much sunlight as it can to help power your home’s AC system. Some solar AC systems can even be programmed to heat the home and produce hot water for your domicile. 

While these renewable energy systems are unable to fully power your entire home, employing one or more of these can significantly lower your monthly electricity consumption and slash a significant amount on your electric bills. 

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